miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, with a mission to bring to Puerto Rico to meet 20% recycling announced by Governor Luis Fortuño and meet government platform to lead the island toward a Green Generation, the Executive Director of the Authority Solid Waste Esq. Luis M. Bernal Jiménez is visiting each of the manufacturing facilities of products from recycled material.The director was visiting Olein Recovery facility in Yabucoa (where different types of recycled motor oil) and plastic products factory Home Plastic Products Home in the town of Maunabo.
"We are resuming dialogue and attention to a sector as important as recycling of waste dsiposicion. We need every one of them operating at their maximum capacity to dramatically increase recycling levels in the country. Recycling companies in Puerto Rico are part of the economic development of our island.

Currently this industry employs over 2,000 people in over one hundred companies recycling and manufacturing, which in turn contribute immensely to the conservation of our natural resources. In Puerto Rico we have paper recycling industry, plastic, aluminum, oil, tires, cardboard and many others. We are here today because we are committed to recycling, reduction and reuse are priority in each of the Puerto Ricans as a priority for our Governor. We want to maximize the resources we have in our island securing and creating jobs and serving as facilitators for the growth of this industry and the proper management of solid waste.
According to Jorge Gonzalez story President and CEO of Olein Recovery "is the first time an executive director of the Solid Waste Authority visit our facilities. We hope that this administration allows us to grow, create jobs and contribute to a better environment. "
President Juan Pillot Plastic Products Home appreciated the visit and the commitment expressed by Bernal for the development of the industry.
These site visits East Area is part of the action plan of the Authority's commitment to be facilitators for the economic development of Puerto Rico and the conservation of natural resources.
During the coming weeks the Solid Waste Authority announced further visits to recycling facilities and manufacturing in Puerto Rico. For more information call 1-866 - RECYCLE or website http://www.uneteyrecicla.com/
